The Customer Success Product/Marketing Review

Mikael Blaisdell has been researching and reporting on the Customer Success Technology and Services sector since 2012 when there were only three tech vendors and 1 consultancy active in the space. The market has since expanded to over 300 technology firms and 100+ consultants, trainers, recruiters, and outsourcers offering a variety of applications and service resources, with more coming every day.

To view the Registry of companies, please visit The Customer Success Directory pages of The Customer Success Association site.

To assist companies focused on the Customer Success sector in refining their go-to-market strategy, we offer a Product/Market Review service.  What aspects of your product will be most likely to resonate with the global customer success professional community?  What partnership options might be appropriate for you to consider?  Where are the best advertising channels to be found?  The depth of the research can be tailored to your interests and budget.  Please use the Contact Us channel for more information and pricing.


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